

Date of Inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List: 1988

List Serial No: 485

Location: Aegean Region, Denizli

Category: Natural / Cultural


The archaeological city of Hierapolis, which contains magnificent white travertines formed by calcium oxide-containing waters from the southern skirts of Çaldağı and remains from the late Hellenistic and early Christian periods, is one of the most striking centers that have survived from ancient times. 2 km from Denizli. This area, which is located at a distance, is also famous for its healing waters, which are believed to be good for a wide variety of ailments.


BC ancient city II. century, one of the kings of Pergamum II. It is thought that it was founded by Eumenes and that it took its name from Heira, the wife of Telephos, the founder of Pergamon. According to ancient sources, the city, which is famous for its metal and stone processing and woven fabrics, was the capital of the Phrygian region during the Great Constantine period, and became the Episcopal center during the Byzantine period. With these features, the area is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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