Gordion - Ankara


Gordion, an ancient settlement located in the Polatlı district of Ankara province, Turkey. Here are some key facts about Gordion:

History: Gordion is known as the capital of the Phrygian Kingdom and served as an important center for trade and culture in ancient times. It is also recognized as the place where the legendary Phrygian King Midas lived.

Midas Tumulus: The most famous feature of Gordion is the Midas Tumulus, attributed to King Midas. This tumulus is a large mound thought to be the burial place of Midas. However, when excavated, it revealed the burial of a dead horse rather than the anticipated sumptuous tomb of Midas.

Examples of Phrygian Architecture: Excavations in Gordion have unearthed many remains of ancient Phrygian architecture. Among these remains are temples, palaces, city walls, and other structures representing the architectural style of the Phrygians.

Gordion Museum: The museum in Gordion showcases artifacts obtained from archaeological excavations in the region. It provides visitors with an opportunity to better understand the history and cultural heritage of Gordion.

UNESCO World Heritage Site: In 2019, Gordion was recognized by UNESCO as part of the "Phrygian Rock Sites and Gordion" under the World Heritage designation. This acknowledgment highlights the cultural and historical significance of the region.

Çaldağ Höyük: The Çaldağ Höyük, located around Gordion, is an important archaeological mound. Excavations at this mound reveal continuous habitation in the region since the Neolithic period.

Gordion stands as a rich archaeological site with a history stretching from ancient times to the present day, making it one of Turkey's significant tourist and historical regions.

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