
Place: Aegean Region, Izmir

Longitude: 27˚20 ’EAST


Category: Cultural

“Ephesus” World Heritage Area included in the World Heritage List; Çukuriçi Höyük consists of four components: Ayasuluk Hill (Selçuk Castle, St. John Basilica, İsa Bey Bath, İsa Bey Mosque, Artemision), the ancient city of Ephesus and the House of Mary.

Efes, one of the most important centers of the ancient period, has seen the settlement for approximately 9000 years during the Hellenistic, Roman, Eastern Rome, Principalities and Ottoman periods, starting from the prehistoric period and became a very important port city and cultural and commercial center in all stages of its history.

Efes, which contains symbols that shed light on the superior urbanization, architecture and religious history of the Hellenistic and Roman period, has the highest examples of architectural and urban planning of different periods. M. Ö. The cult center, which dates back to the 8th century and famous as one of the seven wonders of the ancient period, is Artemision, Hz. The Church of Mary, where Mary was accepted as the mother of Jesus and declared as the mother of 431 Ecumenic Council, took place, one of the apostles of Jesus and wrote the Gospel of Yahya in Ephesus. The unique works of the early Christian period, such as the basilica built on the grave of John, the Islamic structures built during the period of Mary House and Principalities, which are accepted as a pilgrimage place by Christians today, are also still standing in terms of religious history. offers.

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