Edirne Selimiye Mosque and its complex - Edirne


Selimiye Mosque and Complex is a significant Ottoman-era architectural complex located in the Edirne province of Turkey. Here are some key details about Selimiye Mosque and Complex:

History: Selimiye Mosque and Complex were commissioned by Ottoman Sultan Selim II and constructed by the renowned architect Mimar Sinan between 1569 and 1575.

Mimar Sinan's Masterpiece: Selimiye Mosque is considered one of the masterpieces of Mimar Sinan, the most prominent architect of the Ottoman Empire. The mosque stands out as an exemplary work of Ottoman architecture.

Location: Situated in the historical center of Edirne, Selimiye Mosque is a symbol of the city. Its tall minaret and dome are visible from various points across Edirne.

Architectural Features: The architectural features of Selimiye Mosque are regarded as some of the finest examples of Ottoman architecture from its time. The dome and minaret are adorned with elegant details.

Layout: The mosque follows the classical Ottoman mosque plan, featuring a large courtyard, a domed main prayer hall, a minaret, and various facilities.

Complex: In addition to Selimiye Mosque, the complex includes various facilities. The complex, known as a "külliye," encompasses structures such as a medrese (theological school), darüşşifa (hospital), library, and lecture hall. This reflects the Ottoman practice of creating comprehensive complexes that catered to communal worship, education, and healthcare.

UNESCO World Heritage Site: Selimiye Mosque and Complex were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011 under the name "Selimiye Mosque and its Social Complex in Edirne." This designation underscores the cultural and historical significance of the complex.

Selimiye Mosque and Complex, with its architectural elegance and cultural history, stands as one of Turkey's prominent tourist and historical sites.

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